Thursday, January 15, 2009

Duncan's Murder

Murder- a common term used for the killing of another human being.

I smirk at the thought of seeing my dear husband, Macbeth, as king. To achieve this satisfaction, we must kill Duncan. This is the only possible way to sustain our goals and live many years of happiness. Just by looking at this man of whom we call king, images of my very own father pop into my head. How can I kill someone who reminds me of someone so close to me in life?

I would not be able to pull something of this sort on my own. Also, I would never be able to kill Duncan, the one who resembles my very own father. I need Macbeth to kill him for us. How will I be able to convince Macbeth to do the deed? He too, of course, wants to become king as badly as I do but would he be able to commit such a crime? He is doubting himself and does not want to participate in such crime but how else are we to get this position? He and I both need this opportunity.

If he was a man, he too would do whatever it takes to be king. Is he not a man? He doubts himself for handling just the smallest of deeds. The quicker it is done, the faster we will get the happiness we deeply desire. I do not understand why he questions himself for this. We have gotten the whole scheme figured out. We will frame the guards. What else could there be to worry about? If Macbeth was a man, he would be able to do whatever it takes to succeed in life.
If only, Macbeth decided to be a man...

Scared and Confused

Things are all going downhill.

I cannot seem to forgive myself for what Macbeth has done; for what I convinced Macbeth to do. We have been living in fear ever since the day he did the deed, I loathe that day. We have since moved to Dunsinane Castle, thinking that we would feel safer, happier; but I am still not content.
I still see the blood upon my hands. King Duncan's blood. The blood has stained my has left a permanent mark. A permanent reminder of my past ghosts. I guess ghosts can never really stay in the past.

I can smell the blood, how I hate the smell. I try to, but I cannot rinse it; I cannot get rid of it...

I have come to terms with the fact that there is no reason for me to be here anymore. Everyday I live, but everyday I realize how pointless my life is. I am just here for me to realize what harm we have done, and regret it. I thought murdering King Duncan would be good, would bring Macbeth and I wealth and happiness, but it is doing the exact opposite.

I'm ending this post with a picture of what I wish my life could be like. What I was wishing would have happened when this whole thing started.

Right now, I just wish I was dead.

What Should I Do?

This image shows what I really feel like doing right now. I don't know what to do about Macbeth anymore. He's continuously keeping secrets from me, and I don't know what to do. Today, at the feast, Banquo was supposed to show up, and he never did. I knew something was wrong, because he was the guest of honour, it would have been a shame for him to be late. Then, suddenly, when everyone was starting to eat, Macbeth started going crazy! He claimed that he saw Banquo sitting in his seat, (when nobody was sitting there), and saying a whole bunch of ridiculous things! But thats when it clicked to me; Macbeth must have sent people to kill Banquo! So I had to act fast and cover up for him. I told everyone that Macbeth has had these problems since he was young, they bought it, I hope. I kindly asked them all to leave. However, I'm pretty sure that some people are starting to get suspicious. I'm scared for what might happen. Macbeth is going insane with becoming king. He's putting himself in more and more danger with each deicision he makes. He is also not being honest with me, and I don't know how much more I can take of this...

The Letter

I just received a letter from my dear husband Macbeth. It is always good new to know that he has fought a successful battle. My God the mention of witches excites me, sending eerie vibrations through my body. My husband the King, which makes me the Queen. Oh dear witches, how I love the sweet words of wisdom that rushes out of your mouths! However I know my husband, he is too weak and passive to get that crown. I will assert him to capture that crown by force Ha! Ha! I know that Duncan shows great please in visiting our castle. Therefore, I will call upon all demonic spirits to weaken his body and take away his soul. Destruction is my best friend and victory is my cup of tea. The implications of my husband’s letter are bold and clear. I do not believe in loyalty and being nice. I will tap into the spirit world and pour poison into my husband’s ear, by that I mean coach him to accept and carryout the evil deeds. Oh dear spirits, please possess my body. I am pleased to say that this letter shows Macbeth’s trust in me. His affection and love for me is so real. Blood is what makes the human body function an it is blood that I see oozing out of Duncan, my soon to be guest, I will be crowned Queen!